Tag Archives: early spring

Spring has Sprung!

3 Apr

A few signs of spring! Rhubarb - I can't wait!

This has been – for everyone in the United States – a weird winter and an even weirder spring. My Parents in Washington are getting snow showers and here in Minnesota it’s 88 degrees. Just weird.

One of the things about living in Minnesota, is that you can’t help but adore spring. After months of snow and ice and cabin fever, springtime is like release from prison…most years. Like…every year except this one…

BUT…that being said, I am not complaining about an early springtime! I am not complaining that the daffodils are a month early…but it does make me a wee bit nervous that we’ll get a cold night and the fruit trees will get bitten by frost…I sure hope that doesn’t happen.

We’ve had a lot of fun already this spring. We’ve had a cookout, we’ve mown the lawn, and we’ve got three kittens!

Life is good.


Promise of tastiness to come!

A sure sign of Spring: the pelicans have returned!

Aren't they fun?!

I love my telephoto lense!

The proud mama!

24 hours old!

Mama and babies.


Last Monday - one week old.

Never before have we had a cookout in March.